Welcome to our school website. We are very proud of our school which can be found on the outskirts of Tavistock. Lamerton C of E Academy is a warm, friendly, village school. We pride ourselves on our commitment to meeting the needs of every child by ensuring high standards, creative teaching and learning and fostering a love of learning.
Planting seeds of hope in our community. Together we dream, believe and achieve.
Our pupils enjoy learning about the stories that Jesus told us. We have chosen the parable of ‘The Sower’ to inspire and underpin our vision which runs through the heart of our school. We work to build a caring, inclusive community, in which we can all grow and flourish under God’s guidance.
The sower sowed his seeds in different types of ground. The path meant that the seed could be easily snatched by a bird. The rocky ground meant the roots could not grow deep. The thorny ground smothered and choked the plant but the seed sown in good ground, grew well and provided a plentiful crop. No matter the changes in temperature or weather, the good soil gives the seed exactly what it needs to grow, be healthy and have deep roots.
We strive to provide the good soil for all our children to flourish. We care for all our children and support them to care, learn and grow. We believe our purpose is to nurture and enable every one in our community to flourish as this will enable children to be the person they are fully capable of being. We articulate this as ‘Dream, Believe, Achieve’. We desire to aim high, with courage to dream.
The journey towards excellence begins with the desire to aim high, the creativity to explore new horizons and the courage to dream. We dream of a community built on mutual respect, generosity, gratitude, care and love. Jesus offers possiblities and hope. He issues a challenge to acknowledge our own personal responsibility for our own growth.
We celebrate self-belief as well as belief in one another. We value each other for who we are as well as for what we achieve.
The sower seeks to nurture and help us grow in every way, our growth mindset seeks to empower. We are inspired by Jesus’ message and offer opportunities for everyone to develop their innate spirituality, recognising the diversity within our community.
Achievement is the goal of all that we do;
Academic achievement, sporting achievement, creative achievement, personal achievement.
Achieving independently, achieving collaboratively, achieving as a community.
Bearing fruit and flourishing is our aim for all.