Our Vision

Our School Vision

 Planting seeds of hope in our community. Together we dream, believe and achieve.

Our pupils enjoy learning about the stories that Jesus told us. We have chosen the parable of ‘The Sower’ to inspire and underpin our vision which runs through the heart of our school. We work to build a caring, inclusive community, in which we can all grow and flourish under God’s guidance.

he sower sowed his seeds in different types of ground. The path meant that the seed could be easily snatched by a bird. The rocky ground meant the roots could not grow deep. The thorny ground smothered and choked the plant but the seed sown in good ground, grew well and provided a plentiful crop. No matter the changes in temperature or weather, the good soil gives the seed exactly what it needs to grow, be healthy and have deep roots.

We strive to provide the good soil for all our children to flourish. We care for all our children and support them to care, learn and grow. We believe our purpose is to nurture and enable every one in our community to flourish as this will enable children to be the person they are fully capable of being. We articulate this as ‘Dream, Believe, Achieve’. We desire to aim high, with courage to dream.


The journey towards excellence begins with the desire to aim high, the creativity to explore new horizons and the courage to dream. We dream of a community built on mutual respect, generosity, gratitude, care and love. Jesus offers possibilities and hope. He issues a challenge to acknowledge our own personal responsibility for our own growth.


We celebrate self-belief as well as belief in one another. We value each other for who we are as well as for what we achieve.

The sower seeks to nurture and help us grow in every way, our growth mindset seeks to empower. We are inspired by Jesus’ message and offer opportunities for everyone to develop their innate spirituality, recognising the diversity within our community.


Achievement is the goal of all that we do;

Academic achievement, sporting achievement, creative achievement, personal achievement.

Achieving independently, achieving collaboratively, achieving as a community.

Bearing fruit and flourishing is our aim for all.

Our Values

Fruits and Values
The sower sowed his seeds in different types of ground. The rocky ground meant the roots could not grow deep, the thorny ground smothered and choked the plant but the seed sown in good ground, grew well and provided a plentiful crop. No matter the changes in temperature or weather, the good soil gives the seed exactly what it needs to grow, be healthy and have deep roots.

We strive to provide the good soil for all our children to flourish. We care for all our children and support them to care, learn and grow. We believe our purpose is to nurture and enable every child to flourish and to be the person they are fully capable of being. We articulate this as ‘Dream, Believe, Achieve’. We desire to aim high, with courage to dream. We desire for all members of our community to grow and flourish.

As a school we have discussed which values in life are the most important to us. They are our fruits.

These values are embedded into our school life. We explore one value a half term. This helps to focus our Collective Worship, Bright Lights Club and Open The Book visits.
Truthfulness-Ephesians 4.15: Speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is Christ.
Compassion-Matthew 7.12: Treat others as you want them to treat you.
Courage-Deuteronomy 31.6: Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged for the Lord will be with you wherever you go.
Forgiveness-John 1.9: But if we confess our sins to God, he can always be trusted to forgive us and take away our sins away.
Friendship-John 15.15: ‘I no longer call you servants’ said Jesus……’instead I have called you friends’.
Respect-Mark 10.14: Let the children come to me.

Our School Prayer

Pupil Ethos Group

Our ‘Pupil Ethos Group’ meet with Mrs Sterry to uphold the ethos of our school. We hold our vision of ‘Dream, Believe, Achieve’ at the centre of all we do. 
We evaluate Collective Worship every week and also write our own Collective Worships. 
We help Mrs Sterry evaluate R.E. at Lamerton C of E (V.C.) Primary. 

Collective Worship

Collective Worship is a statutory requirement for all schools in England and Wales.  At Lamerton C of E Academy, Collective Worship is so much more than this.  It is a time where the school family meets together, learns together, reflects together, a time within which children and staff are given a time to be still, to engage and if they feel called, respond. 

Collective Worship is the heartbeat of the school. It is inclusive, invitational and inspirational. We structure Worship using the ‘Roots and Fruits’ structure (Welcome, Learning, Reflecting, Responding). We focus on one value every half term (truthfulness, compassion, courage, forgiveness, friendship and respect), representing the fruit that grows as the teaching is lived out in everyday life. Collective Worship develops our Christian vision of ‘Dream, Believe, Achieve’, inspired by the parable of The Sower. We aim for all to grow and flourish. We take account of the Church seasons and festivals from across World Faiths. Collective Worship plays an integral role in deeper spiritual experiences.  

Worship could happen in school, on the playground or in Church. Worship can happen on school trips and in Forest School.
At Lamerton C of E Academy children leading worship is a central part of what we do as a school.  The children will have the following responsibilities:
Before: put the chairs out, prepare the Worship Table.
During: take part in drama/acting, lead Worship, respond to questions and debates, reflect, ask and answer questions, debate, pray, sing.
After: put away the equipment and chairs, hold doors open, evaluate Worship.

Opting out of Collective Worship

Parents may request that their child does not take part in acts of collective worship. The school will, in such cases, accommodate these requests and make alternate arrangements for the child at these times. Collective Worship is invitational and inclusive.

Synagogue Visit

We visited Plymouth’s historic Synagogue. The word Synagogue comes from the Greek word for ‘assembly’. 
Orthodox Jews believe in the practice of Jewish Law, the Torah, as written in the 5 books of Moses. They are the first five books of the Bible known as the Old Testament to Christians. 
We saw a Mezuzah on the doorpost. Inside is a Shema, which is a prayer. We saw the Ark, a special cabinet where the Torah Scrolls are kept. This faces East towards Jerusalem. The eternal lamp is always kepy lit as a reminder of G-D’s eternal presence. 
We all enjoyed trying to blow the shofar. This is blown for New Year (Rosh Hashanah) and for Yom Kippur. 
We saw the Menorah, which is the holder for 7 candles. This is the oldest symbol of the Jewish Faith. 

Catholic Visitor

Thank you to Gill who visited us today. She taught us all about life as a Catholic. 
We talked about the meaning of faith. We talked about what different faiths share and have in common. Then we found out about special Catholic practices such as: obligation to attend Sunday mass, belief in transubtantiation, the importance of reconciliation and honouring Mary and the Saints.