Welcome to Class 2

Years 3, 4 ,5 and 6

Teachers: Mrs Johnston and Mrs Paxman

TA: Mrs Eaton

Roman Day

Class 2 were treated to a visit from a Roman legionary soldier on our Roman Day. He arrived fully dressed in Roman armour and told us about his life in Roman Britain. We learnt how the legion moved from place to place, setting up camp and defending the troops. We played Roman rummy which taught us about Roman gods, places, buildings, the army and engineering. We practised using Roman numerals too.We marched together and created the tortoise formation with our shields.The children were commended on their excellent knowledge and behaviour. They looked fantastic in their costumes and had a fantastic day. Thank you for helping them with their costumes. Some even made swords, shields and Tony created his very own standard… brilliant!


Safer Internet Day 2024

This week Class 2 has been taking part in Safer Internet Day. Safer Internet Day is celebrated globally in February each year to promote the safe and positive use of digital technology. We have been learning how to use technology safely and responsibly and how we can work together to make the internet a safer place.


Art-Famous Buildings

Class 2 have been looking at famous buildings in art. They have been using their sketch books to record ideas and revisit ideas. They have improved their mastery of techniques.


Climate Workshop

The team from the National Marine Aquarium joined us for a science day involving many hands on experiments and virtual reality headsets to learn about energy, ph testing, the effects of carbon dioxide and seagrass. We all wore goggles, gloves and science lab coats to take part in the experiments. It was great fun and we learnt a lot about science!

Parliament Visit

Tomas Williams the Education and Engagement officer from the House of Parliament came to deliver an assembly for Class 2 to help us learn all about the Houses of Parliament. They learnt lots and asked some brilliant questions about the House of Commons and House of Lords.


National Recycling Week

The children spent a fun afternoon learning about our rubbish. They began by sorting rubbish in order to decide from where it originates. It was surprising finding out where our foil comes from! We knew that paper comes from trees and found out how trees could save us from global warming and climate change and yet we are cutting them down. We found out how plastic is created and discussed why recycling is so important.

We then played a game in which we had to decide which recycled materials items were made from.

Macro Photography

Class 2 have been making good use of our new devices. They took photos of pieces of fruit and used a technique called macro photography to enlarge parts of the image. The results were then combined to create what you can see below. I think they are fantastic.